Recent Developments in Partial Discharge Monitoring and Data Interpretation
Dr. Greg Stone
Director Business Development
IRIS Power
Dr. Greg Stone was one of the developers of on-line partial discharge test methods to evaluate the condition of the high voltage insulation in stator windings. Since 1990, Dr. Stone has been employed at Qualitrol - Iris Power in Toronto, Canada, a motor and generator condition monitoring company he helped to form. He is a past-President of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society, and continues to be active on many IEEE standards working groups. He is also active on several International Electrotechnical Commission’s rotating machine standards working groups, and from 2007-2012 was an elected member of the IEC’s Council Board, it main governing body.
He has published several books (one of which was translated into Chinese) and >200 papers concerned with rotating machine insulation. He has awards from the IEEE, Cigre and IEC for his technical contributions to rotating machine assessment. Greg Stone has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo (Canada), is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and is a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario, Canada