Measuring Partial Discharge in Operating Hydrogen-Cooled Generators
Howard Sedding, Iris Power
Generator Stator Rewind and Partial Core Restack Case History.
Russel Chetwynd, National Electric Coil
Partial Discharge Testing of Power and Distribution Cables
Jackson Hill, LIVE HV
6.6 kV Motor Specification Development and Overhaul Learnings
Danny Peacock, Stanwell
RPS Generation Upgrade
David Sargent, Origin Energy NZ
Generator Circuit Breaker Failure Lessons Learnt
Adam Earnshaw, Origin Energy
Innovation spotlight
Ideas to improve maintenance efficiency
Industrial Illumination - Costs of getting it wrong
Andrew Orkin, Coolon LED Lighting
Counterfeit products - The Ever Growing Threat to our Health and Economy
Larry Wiechern, Industry Specialist