
Maintaining Electrical Assets
The keys to safe and reliable operation

29TH - 31ST OCTOBER 2018

Monday 29th October

Comparison of Low-Frequency and High-Frequency Partial Discharge Measurement
Connor Chan, IRIS Power LP

The future Australian National Electricity Market – how renewable, how distributed, how synchronous, and how much storage?
Dr Iain MacGill, UNSW Sydney

Generator De-Gassing & Purging: Best Practices for Safe Plant Operation
Gus Graham, Environment One Corporation

On-Site Condition Assessment of High-Voltage Insulation Systems in Rotating Machines
Fabian Oettl, OMICRON electronics

How To Achieve 40+ Years Operational Life From Your Next Rewind
Russel Chetwynd, National Electric Coil

Innovations in Condition Monitoring – Broken Rotor Bar Detection using Numerical Relay
Malcolm Ballinger & Peter Burnell, AGL

Plugging Of Stator Cooling Water System: Root-Cause Analysis And Chemical Cleaning
Dr Thomas Bauer, SvoBa Tech, Inc

Installation and Commissioning of Electric Motors – Best Practice
Mike Davis, machinemonitor®

Tuesday 30th October

The Journey of Snowy’s Oldest Hydro Generator
Kapila Nanayakkara & Evan Bayliss, Snowy Hydro Limited

The Application of the Motor Current Signature Analysis in Diagnosis of Broken Rotor Bars in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors
Majid Malekpour, UNSW

It’s All About Torque
Ron Scollay, machinemonitor®

Understanding Condition and Risk of High Voltage Assets Workshop
Hosted by Mike Davis

Monitoring Condition of Large Slow Speed Rotating Equipment - Hydro and Mills
Hosted by Robert Butina

Reliability Centered Maintenance Applied to Rotating Machines Workshop
Hosted by Ron Scollay

Power Transformer Life Management Workshop
Hosted by Ken Budin

Electrical connections - what they are, how they fail and ways to manage them.
Bryan Slade & Richard Stuart, PyrOptic Pty Ltd

Beginner Guide to the Internet of Things Radio Networks
Robert Burke, WMAC.Cloud

Wednesday 31st October

Experiences testing large machines with high-voltage partial-core transformers
Dr Andrew Lapthorn, University of Canterbury

Synthesis of Problems Identified using Conventional and Unconventional Partial Discharge Measurement Sensors – NCPA Hydro-plant PD Monitoring Experience
Dr Raja Kuppuswamy, Dynamic Ratings

Identification Of Hydro-Unit Stiffnesses, Vibrating Masses And Critical Speed(S) Based On Vibration Measurements. A Case Study: Pump-Generating Unit 180 Mw
Ozren Orešković, Veski

Achieving Reliability with power transformer field maintenance
Ken Budin, Budin Philipp Partners Pty Ltd

Strategic Motor Condition Based Operating Management
Matt Leonardi, Glencore EHM

Partial Discharge Testing - Determining Failure Modes and Maintenance Requirements on HV Machines
Mike Davis, machinemonitor®


Optimising Electrical Asset Maintenance
Progressing to On-Condition maintenance


Monday 30th October

Stator Endwinding Vibration Monitoring of High Speed Generators and Motors
John Letal, Iris Power

In search of Operational Excellence
James Dash, Origin Energy
Adam Earnshaw, Origin Energy

Data Visualisation and Analytics – Driving the Reliability Improvement of High Voltage Assets
Kevin Chong, Rio Tinto
Stuart Nell, Rio Tinto

430 MVA Generator Excitation System Thyristor Bank Failure, Impact, Sustained Operation, and Recovery
Tim Stewart, Stanwell Corporations Limited

Hydrogenerator Refurbishment Projects: Focusing on the quality assurance program
Marcus Sun, Mercury

World Class Machine Operation – 60 Mw Electrical Generator
Enes Zulovic, Acutel Consulting
Fabian Kaica, Acutel Consulting

Bright future of emerging lighting technologies and their impact on the industrial world of tomorrow.
Andrew Orkin, Coolon LED Lighting

An Answer Looking for a Question
Dr Karl Kruszelnicki ,AM, BSc, MSc(Qual), MBiomedE, MBBS, MAIP

Tuesday 31st October

Renewable Energy Innovations DeGrussa Hybrid Project
Peter Gordon, Sandfire Resources
Rolf Gerste, Sandfire Resources

Aging Effects Due To More Frequent Start-Stop Cycles On Hydro Generators
Russel Chetwynd, National Electric Coil

Reliability Engineer, Asset Quality
Matt Fallow, Asset Quality

Transformer Workshop
Mark Wexler, TxMonitor®
Philip Reilly, TxMonitor®
Kenneth Budin, Budin Philipp Partners

Motors & Generators Workshop
Ron Scollay, machinemonitor®

End Winding Vibration Workshop
John Letal, Iris Power

Failure Case studies Workshop
Mike Davis, machinemonitor®

Recovery of a Strategic Compressor Motor Drive
Ron Scollay, machinemonitor®

Motion Amplification: Moving Vibration Analysis to the Visual Spectrum featuring practical case examples
Andrew Gale, Optical Motion Technologies

Wednesday 1st November

Online partial discharge monitoring – principle considerations
Stefan Böhler, Omicron Austria

Surviving Network Faults – Generator Ride-through Capability... Is your plant at risk?
Franco Rabines, CS Energy

Investigation Report - Optimum Protection Relay Maintenace
Herman Visser, Fortesque Metal Group

Power Transformers – avoiding failure with oil and electrical testing
Mark Wexler, TxMonitor®
Philip Reilly, TxMonitor®

High Voltage Replacement Strategies and Testing
Jackson Hill, LIVE HV

Proactive strategies to increase reliability and reduce maintenance cost for power transformers and on-load tap changers.
Ken Budin, Budin Philipp Partners

On-Line Partial Discharge Monitoring: a Tool for Understanding High Voltage Stator Winding Problems and Maintenance Requirements
Mike Davis, machinemonitor®


Maximising Return On Investment (ROI)
in Electrical Asset Maintenance


Monday 24th October

Measuring Partial Discharge in Operating Hydrogen-Cooled Generators
Howard Sedding, Iris Power

Generator Stator Rewind and Partial Core Restack Case History.
Russel Chetwynd, National Electric Coil

Partial Discharge Testing of Power and Distribution Cables
Jackson Hill,  LIVE HV

6.6 kV Motor Specification Development and Overhaul Learnings
Danny Peacock,  Stanwell

RPS Generation Upgrade
David Sargent,  Origin Energy NZ

Generator Circuit Breaker Failure Lessons Learnt
Adam Earnshaw, Origin Energy

Innovation spotlight
Ideas to improve maintenance efficiency

Industrial Illumination - Costs of getting it wrong
Andrew Orkin,  Coolon LED Lighting

Counterfeit products - The Ever Growing Threat to our Health and Economy
Larry Wiechern, Industry Specialist

Tuesday 22th October

The new world of energy generation, distribution and usage - Challenges and benefits for a sustainable future
Prof Tony Vassallo, Sydney University
Dr Jon Pemberton, Zest Energy

Condition Assessment of Electrical Apparatus with EMI Diagnostics
Paul Spracklen, Doble Engineering

PD User Groups Workshop (By Invitation Only)
Facilitated by Howard Sedding

Electrical Testing, Selection, and Application Workshop
Facilitated by Mike Davis

On-Load and Off-Load Tap Changers Workshop
Facilitated by Ken Budin & Max Philipp

Q&A Panel - "Will my machine run until I retire?"

5000 ton Bump Test, The largest Machines on Earth
Matthew Fallow, Asset Quality

Ensure Safe & Continuous Operation of Rotating Machines by on-line Monitoring of Dielectric Health
GK Papneja Omicron Electronics Asia Limited

Wednesday 23th October

Gaps In Your Electric Motor Reliability ProgramGaps In Your Electric Motor Reliability Program
Todd Gunderson, PDMA

Solutions for Magnetic Stator Wedge Reliability Issues
Mike Davis, machinemonitor®

Partial Discharge Technologies and their Influence in Production Risk Assessment
Danny Peacock, Stanwell

Identifying Partial Discharge Locations in a High Voltage Motor
David Hinde, Boyne Smelters Limited

Case Study: Failure of High Voltage Motor Starters
Robert Lewis, SunWater Limited

On-site Electrical Testing of Power Transformers with Case Studies
Wenyu Guo, OMICRON Electronics Australia Pty Ltd

Approach to Equipment Assessment, Monitoring and Maintenance of
Power Plant Electrical Equipment - By Sandy Rainey PDMA
Cary Jozefiak, Dynamic Ratings


Electrical/Mechanical Assets
Safety & Reliability 


Monday 26th October

PD Measurements on Medium Voltage Variable Speed Motors
Howard Sedding, IRIS Power

Flux Optimisation in Variable Speed Drives
Galina Mirzaeva, University of Newcastle

Overspeed Testing and High Speed Balancing of Large Two Pole Generator Rotors
Simon Hurricks, Genesis Energy

Evolution of the Insulation
Dmitry Chaschin, Machinemonitor Pty Ltd

Cable Partial Discharge Testing at a Power Station
Jackson Hill, Live HV

PD detection and Defect Identification using Phase resolved patterns on HV Insulation Systems
Karl Haubner, Doble

Testing techniques and acceptance criteria to assess HV cable integrity
Nishan Wett, Springpower Solutions

Going for Gold – Effective Life Management of Power Transformers
Ken Budin, Independent Consultant

Best practices of industrial illumination. Safety, comfort and efficiency.
Andrew Orkin, Coolon LED Lighting

Tuesday 27th October

Stator Rewind Design Options and Considerations
Bill Moore, National Electric Coil

Tekapo A Hydro Generator Refurbishment – Lessons Learnt
Campbell Hammond, Genesis

Innovation in action: Haywards Synchronous Condenser Refurbishment Project
Ben Bulling, Transpower

Turbo Machinery Problem Solved with a Fresh Perspective
Matthew Fallow, Asset Quality


Choose your motor wisely (half day workshop)
Presented by Dmitry Chaschin, Machinemonitor Pty Ltd

Mechanical Forum
Facilitated by Matthew Fallow, Asset Quality

Transformer and Cable Forum
Facilitated by Ken Budin, Independent Consultant

IRIS PD User Group (IRIS end users only, by invitation)
Facilitated by Howard Sedding, IRIS Power

Mill Motor User Group (mill motor end users only, by invitation)
Facilitated by Ron Scollay, Machinemonitor Pty Ltd

Wednesday 28th October

Triangulation of Electric Motor Maintenance… Three Keys to Reach your Reliability Target
David McGuire, PdMA

Consequences of Disturbing Stable Plant – A Case Study
Russell Sankey, NRG

The Value of Generator Visual Inspections
Campbell Hammond, Genesis

Do We or Don't We Keep Producing?
Norman Geary, Meridian

Understanding a Noisy Transformer
Michael O’Brien, Alstom Grid

Using Today's Technologies to Differentiate Your Service
Naaman Shibi, Pervidi

MV Motor Overhaul and Repair: Would you like fries and a coke with that?
Ron Scollay, Machinemonitor Pty Ltd


Electrical/Mechanical Assets
Safety & Reliability 

27th October - 29th October 2014
Novotel Manly Pacific, Sydney

Monday 27th October

Protecting Your Staff From Arcing Hazards
Dr David Sweeting

Predicting Black Swans: New Machine Learning Methods for Very Rare Failure Events
Prof Jonathan Tapson, University of Western Sydney

Subsea Electrical Systems Based Maintenance
Andy Petersen, Santos

Management of Older Generator End Winding Looseness
Tri Tran, AGL

Repairing and Replacing Stator Cores on Turbo and Hydro Generators
Bill Moore,National Electric Coil

Maintenance of Power Transformers: Do we really have it sorted?
Ami Singh, Genesis Energy NZ

Low Cost FFT and TWF analysis on a light rail vehicle
Matt Fallow, Asset Quality

Effects of EMI Interference produced by LED Lighting
Andrew Orkin, Coolon LED Lighting

Maintenance Effectiveness and Productivity
Rob Gay & Alun Roberts, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Tuesday 28th October

Master Classes and Safety HV Training

Generator Maintenance
Facilitated by Bill Moore

Mechanical Monitoring
Facilitated by Matthew Fallow

Condition Monitoring Electrical Assets
Facilitated by Ganesh Ganeshkumar

Mill Motor Maintenance
Facilitated by Ron Scollay

HV Switching Systems Operations Course
Facilitated by Ken Cryer

Condition Monitoring Transformers
Facilitated by Carlos Gamez

Arcing Hazards Physics Workshop
Facilitated by Dr David Sweeting

Wednesday 29th October

Setting the Standards in electrical Safety – Thinking outside the square “An Holistic Approach”
Craig Tickner, Safety Compliance Resources

Use of Industrial Big Data for “No Unplanned Downtime”
Dr Izzet Onel, Artesis Technology

Pitfalls in Modern HV Motor Procurement
Ray Calleja, Air Liquide

Generator Condition Monitors and Gen-Tags
Steve Kilmartin, EONE

Automate Maintenance and Safety Inspections using Mobile Devices
Naaman Shibi, Pervidi

The Major Corona Damage Repair of a Elin Gas Turbine Generator
Tony O’Brien, Australian Winders

Online Monitoring Technologies for Critical Power Transformers
Seamus Allan, Dynamic Ratings

Flameproof Electrical Motor Mechanical Failure – QA and beyond
Michael Brzakovic, Bureau Veritas


Electrical/Mechanical Assets
Safety & Reliability 

28th October - 30th October 2013
Novotel Manly Pacific, Sydney

Monday 28th October

Electrical Rotating Machine Components for Reliability Centered Maintenance
Ron Scollay, machinemonitor™

Evaluation of Wireless Measurements and Electrical Safety
Ganesh Ganeshkumar, Fluke Australia

Huntly 250MW Generator Rotor Refurbishment: Project Review
Campbell Hammond, Genesis Energy

Generator CT Fire at Tumut 3 Power Station
Kapila Nanayakkara, Snowy Hydro

Common Sense Vibration Analysis - Vibration Resonance on a Steam Turbine in Sumatra Indonesia.
Matthew Fallow, Asset Quality

Focus Groups

Partial Discharge User Group

Elcid User Group

High Voltage Machines

Low Voltage Machines

Tuesday 29th October

Master Classes

Facilitated by Mladen Sasic

Root Cause Analysis
Facilitated by Peter McCoombe

Facilitated by Ganesh Ganeshkumar

Understanding Stator Windings
Facilitated by Ron Scollay

Plant Maintenance – Asset Uptime
Facilitated by Ganesh Ganeshkumar

Identifying Stator Winding Failure Mechanisms
Facilitated by Mike Davis

Wednesday 30th October

COLLINS Class Submarine High Power Electrical Machines - Safety and Reliability a Must
George Rekkas, Department of Defence

Partial Discharge – A tool for evaluating stator winding build quality
Mike Davis, Machinemonitor™

Problems Arising from Distributed Generation (solar, wind, gas)
Kumaran Nathan, University of Newcastle

Innovative AC Motor Drives with Inverter Noise Shaping
Dr Galina Mirzaeva, University of Newcastle

Kane Henderson, Machinemonitor™

Diagnostic Testing of Insulating Materials in HV Materials
Philip Reilly, TJ/H2b

Asset Management
Carlos Gamez, Tx Monitor



Electrical/Mechanical Assets
Safety & Reliability 

5th NOVEMBER - 7th November 2012
Novotel Manly Pacific, Sydney

Monday 5th November

Machine Designs and Case Studies
Mladen Sasic, IRIS POWER

Bearing Reliability
Dr Dmitry Chaschin, ABB

Structure Natural Frequency Vibration
Matt Fallow, Asset Quality

When Synchronous Machines Lose Excitation - and How to Prevent Such Events
Jordan Faint, Schneider Electric

Tandem Mill Drives
Ron Scollay, machinemonitor™

Arc Flash and Machines
Lee McDonald, ALLMAC Electrical Engineers

Tuesday 6th November

Full day of workshops and focus groups

Wednesday 7th November

Model-based Motor Monitoring for Anomally Detection and Maintenance Planning
Chris Engdahl, GE Energy

Catastrophic Events Averted With Thermal Imaging
Richard Williams,Thermoscan

Electrical Measurements on Adjustable Speed Drives: Ten Measurements That Tell You a Lot
Ganesh Ganeshkumar, Fluke Australia

Understanding Failure Risk in Electrical Machines - A Safety Perspective
Mike Davis, machinemonitor


Maximising Integrity, Performance & Reliability
from your Electrical Rotating Equipment

24th October - 26th October 2011
Swiss Grand Bondi Beach, Sydney

Monday 24th October

Recent Problems Experienced with Medium Voltage Windings
Dr Greg Stone, Iris Power (Canada)

Performing stator core ring flux & open circuit tests on a large hydro generator: The Rangipo Experiences
Dr Wade Enright, University of Canterbury NZ / Viva Technical Solutions

Measuring the Electrical Energy Efficiency in Machines
Frank Healy, Fluke USA
Ganesh Ganeshkumar, Fluke Aust

Development of Asset Strategies for 30MW Guthega Hydro Power Generators
Kapila Nanayakkara, Snowy Hydro

Case Study – Flash Over
Peter McCoombe, Safe Decisions

Non intrusive Detection of Partial Discharge Activity in Substation Equipment using RFI Measurements
Karl Haubner, Doble Engineering

Diagnostic Testing of HV Equipment
Antony Giacomin, TJ/H2B

On-site Rewinding
Tony O’Brien, Australian Winders

MEPS for Industrial Equipment including Motors & Transformers
Sarah Hatch, Dept Climate Change & Energy Efficiency

Tuesday 25th October

Partial Discharge - Stream One
Greg Stone, Iris Power Engineering, Canada

HV Machines & Generators - Stream Two
Mike Davis, machinemonitor

LV & DC Machines - Stream Three
Frank Davenport, Davenport Electrical

Transformers - Stream Four
Wade Enright, University of Canterbury NZ

Wednesday 26th October

Maintenance: Loss or Profit?
Dr Dmitry Chaschin, ABB Australia

Case Studies
Selwyn Braver, Martec Asset Solutions

Black Magic - The selection and maintenance of carbon brushes for optimal wear on large mill motors
Ron Scollay, machinemonitor

Identification and Location of Open Strands on Hydro Generators
Farah Pollard, Mighty River Power

Focus Group Meetings

Low Voltage Motor Monitoring

High Voltage Motor Monitoring

Motor Management

Minimum Energy Performance Standards




Maximising Integrity, Performance & Reliability
from your Electrical Rotating Equipment

24th October - 26th October 2010
Swiss Grand Bondi Beach, Sydney

Monday 24th October

Technical Developments in the Measurement of Commutator and Slip Ring Profiles
Roy Douglas, Technical Manager, Mersen USA

MEPS for industrial equipment including motors and transformers
Sarah Hatch - Senior Project Officer, Lighting and Equipment Energy Efficiency Team , Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

The Importance of QA Offsite – Wind Turbines, a case study
Peter McCoombe, Manager, Safe Decisions

Generator Output Capability Assessment
Ron Scollay, Principal Engineering Consultant, machinemonitor

CO2 Blasting of ID Fan Motors & Excitation Transformer (case study)
Phil McGuinness, Operations Manager, International Recovery Services, & Mark Reid, Asset Services Maintenance Planner, Tarong Energy

Measurement of the extremely low and extremely high resistances
Dr Dmitry Chaschin, National Field Service Manager, ABB Discrete Automation & Motion

Magnetic Fields & Consequences
Selwyn Braver, General Manger, Martec Asset Solutions

Tuesday 25th October

The Importance of Noise Separation when Collecting & Analyzing PD Data
Vicki Warren, Senior Field Service Engineer, Iris Power Engineering, USA

Developments in Diagnostics for High Voltage Electrical Equipment
Antony Giacomin, TJ/H2B

Refining Condition Assessment Tests and Analysis of Large Auxiliary Motors at Loy Yang Power
Alan McGuigan, Omicron Australia

Increase Safety in HV Switch Rooms by Using Online Partial Discharge Testing
Peter Rhodes, Electrical Services Manager, High Voltage Solution

Carbon Ain’t Carbon
Sean Kelly, Technical Manager, Mersen Oceania

Understanding the Failure Processes in Electrical Machines
Mike Davis, Principal, Machinemonitor

Wednesday 26th October

Advanced Partial Discharge Workshop
Vicki Warren, Iris Power Engineering

Understanding Transformers Workshop – a short course
Gordon Noble, Machinemonitor

Generators & Large Machines Workshop – a short course
Mike Davis - Principal, Machinemonitor

Brush Maintenance Workshop
Roy Douglas, Mersen USA
Sean Kelly, Mersen Oceania



Maximising Integrity, Performance & Reliability
from your Electrical Rotating Equipment

2nd November- 4th November 2009
Swiss Grand Bondi Beach, Sydney

Monday 2nd November

EL CID Testing - A historical Perspective
Mladen Sasic, IRIS POWER

Insulation Condition Monitoring of Electrical Plant - How to Interpret the Data and Diagnose the HV Equipment
Dr Qi Su, Petroleum Institute

World-Class Companies Need World-Class Motor Management & Maintenance
Todd Gunderson, PdMA USA

Assessment of High Voltage Cables & Update on Latest Testing Techniques
Karl Haubner, Doble Engineering

Reliability Analysis of the Squirrel Cage Fabricated Rotors
Dmitry Chaschin, ABB

Electromagnetic Core Testing
Ron Scollay, machinemonitor

MEPS for Motors & Transformers
Sarah Hatch, Dept of the Environment, Water, Heritage & the Arts


Tuesday 3rd November

Root Cause Analysis
Peter McCoombe, Safe Decisions

International Recovery Services
Phil McGuinness

One on One Clinics

Elcid I Stator Core Testing Clinic

HV Asset Testing Clinic

Switchgear & Transformers Clinic

Focus Groups

Low Voltage Motor Monitoring

High Voltage Motor Monitoring

Motor Management

Minimum Energy Performance Standards


Wednesday 4th November

Full Day Stream Breakdowns

Insulation Condition Monitoring & Diagnosis of Electrical Plant
Dr Qi Su, Petroleum Institute

HV Motor & Generator Maintenance
Mladen Sasic, IRIS POWER
Mike Davis, machinemonitor

An Introduction to Root Cause Analysis
Peter McCoombe, Safe Decisions



Maximising Integrity, Performance & Reliability
from your Electrical Rotating Equipment

26th October- 28TH October 2008
Novotel Manly SYDNEY

Monday 26th October

Stator Winding Insulation Issues arising form the Introduction of Modern LV & MV Converter Fed Drives
Dr Greg Stone, Iris Power Engineering

Identifying Motor Defects Through the Six Fault Zones
Corey Jackson, Vitech Australia

Recent Transformer Failures Experienced by MRP (Case study)
Kane Henderson, Mighty River Power

This Is What The Doctor Recommends
Gordon Noble, ATMR

CO2 Blasting
Phil McGuinness, International Recovery Services

Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
Mr Mate Krajnc, National Instruments Australia, NZ & South Africa

Tests & Measurements for Electrical Fire Prevention
John Piperides, Fluke Australia

Monday 27th October

Reducing Your Electric Motors Carbon Footprint
Mike Davis, machinemonitor Pty Ltd

Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) Regulations in Australia
Sarah Hatch, Australian Government

Current Approaches to Determining Electric Motor Efficiency
Dick Haffenden, Submersible Motor Engineering

Power Station Alarms - Techniques to improve operation and protection of large machines
Alan Armour

Life Assessment & Operating Strategy- 35yr old 5600kW DC Winder
Bob Kyte, Xstrata
Ron Scollay, machinemonitor

Developments in Diagnostics for High Voltage Electrical Equipment
Antony Giacomin, TJ/H2B

Modern vs Ageing Motors – Achieving Energy Efficiency in Modern Designs
Frank Davenport

Monday 28th October

Introduction to Online Partial Discharge (PD) Testing of Machines.Dr Greg Stone, Iris Power Engineering

Generators Workshop
Ron Scollay, machinemonitor

Keeping Electrical Machines Running
Mike Davis, machinemonitor Pty Ltd

Low Voltage Motor Design – AC and DC Motors
Frank Davenport



Maximising Integrity, Performance & Reliability
from your Electrical Rotating Equipment

5th October - 7th November 2007
Swiss Grand Bondi Beach, Sydney

Monday 5th November

EL CID Testing
Mladen Sasic

Insulation Condition Monitoring of Electrical Plant
harles Qi Su

HV CableTesting & Condition Monitoring
Karl Haubner

Optimizing Motor Management & Maintenance
Todd Gunderson

Condition Monitoring Tools: DC Machines
Galina Mirzaeva

Electromagnetic Core Testing
Ron Scollay

MEPS for Motors & Transformers
Sarah Hatch

Focus Group Meetings

LV Motor Monitoring

HV Motor Monitoring

Motor Mgmnt



Tuesday 6th November

Common Failure Mechanisms in Modern Machines
Mike Davis

Reliability Analysis of Squirrel Cage Fabricated Rotors
Dmitry Chaschin

Root Cause Analysis
Peter McCoombe

Dry Ice Pressure Cleaning
Phil McGuinness


ElCid Testing, Stator Wedge Survey, Stator & Rotor Winding Testing, Stator & Rotor Winding Inspection, 

Electric Motor Construction, Repair Specification, Best Practice Motor Mgmnt.

Focus SPECIALITY Clinics

Elcid Stator Core Testing

PD Testing

Transformers Management

General Motor Issues

Wednesday 7th November

Full Day Specialty Streams

Insulation Condition Monitoring & Diagnosis of Electrical Plant
Charles Qi Su

HV Motor & Generator Maintenance
Mladen Sasic & Mike Davis

Root Cause Analysis
Peter McCoombe


Maximising Integrity, Performance & Reliability
from your Electrical Rotating Equipment

25th October- 27th October 2004
Novotel Manly Pacific, Sydney

Monday 25th October

Trevor Blackburn – University of NSW

Clyde Maughan – MECO - Generator Specialist (USA)

Modern Maintenance Challenges
Kevin Fletcher - Guderian

Advances in PD Testing
Vicki Warren – Iris Power Engineering (Canada)

Generator Maintenance Course
Facilitated by Clyde Maughan

Partial Discharge Training Course – Introduction
Facilitated by Vicki Warren

General Session – Electrical Machines Testing

Motor Testing
Ron Scollay – Machinemonitor

Improved Data Collection, Visualisation & Analysis for Machine Condition Monitoring
Guy Cotterill & Adam Van Dyck - CCI Pope

HV Testing & It’s Role in Risk Management
Joe Tusek – Connell Wagner

An On Load Tapchanger Failure – Root Cause Analysis
Gordon Noble – Wilson Transformers


Tuesday 26th October

Generator Maintenance Course
Facilitated by Clyde Maughan

Partial Discharge Course
Facilitated by Vicki Warren

General Session – Electrical Machine Maintenance

Life Cycle Electrical Machine Management
Mike Davis

Statistical Tools for Machine Management
Dr Alan Gore - Machinemonitor

Eliminating Repeat Failures Through Apollo Root Cause Analysis
Roger McCall - ARMS

Alex Kavanagh – Ranger Uranium Mine

Accreditation for the Repair of Energy Efficient Motors
Frank Davenport

Safety of Electrical Test & Measuring Equipment
Nuri Chorvat – Orica

Wednesday 27th October

Generator Maintenance Course
Facilitated by Clyde Maughan

Partial Discharge Course
Facilitated by Vicki Warren

DC Machines
Facilitated by Frank Davenport

Apollo Root Cause Analysis Participants Workshop
Facilitated by Roger McCall


Maximising Integrity, Performance & Reliability
from your Electrical Rotating Equipment

28th October- 30th October 2002
Novotel Manly Pacific, Sydney

Monday 28th October

Keynote Presentation
Prof. Bill Thomson, Director, EM Diagnostics, Scotland UK

Motor Design
Ron Scollay, Engineering Director, machinemonitor®

2 Machine Insulation Developments
Dr Rudolf Bruetsch, Manager, Von Roll Isola, Switzerland

3 Motor Protection Systems
Ian Young, Chief Engineer, Alstom

1 Functionality of Web Based Condition Monitoring for Electric Motors
Dr Bruce Whitby, Director, Motornostix

2 Innovation in Motor Alignment – Technology Matching Demands of
Today’s Machinery

Bryan Rogers, Manager Aquip Systems

3 Selecting The Appropriate Motor/Drive Package
Tim Makris, National Product Manager - Drives, CMG Motors

Condition Monitoring Techniques for Induction Motor Drives *
Prof. Bill Thomson, Director, EM Diagnostics, Scotland UK

2 New Processing Insulation Equipment for Coils & Roebel Bars *
Dr Rudolf Bruetsch, Manager, Von Roll Isola, Switzerland

3 Motor Failure Mechanisms (part a)
Mike Davis, Principal Machine Consultant, machinemonitor®

Condition Monitoring Techniques for Induction Motor Drives *
Prof. Bill Thomson, Director, EM Diagnostics, Scotland UK

2 New Processing Insulation Equipment for Coils & Roebel Bars*
Dr Rudolf Bruetsch, Manager, Von Roll Isola, Switzerland

3 Motor Failure Mechanisms (part b)
Mike Davis, Principal Machine Consultant , machinemonitor®


Tuesday 28th October

Using Life Cycle Modelling to Manage Failure Risk in Motors
Mike Davis, Principal Machine Consultant, machinemonitor®

2 Managing Motors Across Diverse Sites
Industry Practitioner

3 Web Based Vibration Monitoring - Case Study
Dr Bruce Whitby, Director, Motornostix

Premature Failure of Wound Rotor Sag Mill Motor – Case Study
Ron Scollay, Engineering Director, machinemonitor®

2 Condition Monitoring Strategies in a Power & Water Utility
Jodee Grant, Electrical Engineer, Power Water N.T.

3 Partial Discharge Testing (part a)
Mike Davis, Principal Machine Consultant , machinemonitor®

1 Developing a Holistic Motor Monitoring Package
Dr Dmitry Chaschin, Engineering Director, RME

2 Making First World Motors from an Emerging Manufacturing Base
Dick Haffenden, Director, Down Under Submersibles

3 Partial Discharge Testing (part b)
Mike Davis, Principal Machine Consultant , machinemonitor®

Motor Current Signature Analysis for On-line Fault Diagnosis *
Prof. Bill Thomson, Director, EM Diagnostics, Scotland UK

2 Endurance Testing of Insulating Systems *
Dr Rudolf Bruetsch, Manager, Von Roll Isola, Switzerland

3 Integrated Condition Monitoring
Adem Adil, Services Consultant, Rockwell Automation Entek

Motor Current Signature Analysis for On-line Fault Diagnosis *
Prof. Bill Thomson, Director, EM Diagnostics, Scotland UK

2 Endurance Testing of Insulating Systems *
Dr Rudolf Bruetsch, Manager, Von Roll Isola, Switzerland

3 Writing Motor Repair Specifications
A Short Workshop

Wednesday 28th October

Full Day Stream Breakdowns

Condition Monitoring
Prof. Bill Thomson, Director, EM Diagnostics, Scotland UK

Managing DC Motors
Frank Davenport, Engineer, EASA

Motor Repair and Maintenance
Ron Scollay, Engineering Director, machinemonitor®
Dr Rudolf Bruetsch, Manager, Von Roll Isola, Switzerland

Mechanical Failure Mechanisms Analysis
Peter Todd, Senior Reliability Engineer, Shell Australia

*Duplicated sessions to permit a greater choice for delegates