Look Up and Live - Accidental Powerline Contacts in Queensland
Jason Beasley
Community Health and Safety Advisor
Energy Queensland like all entities have numerous accidental powerline contacts. Construction and agricultural equipment are growing, and are more frequently contacting powerlines on a daily basis. Over the past few years there has been several fatalities and serious incidents, due to accidental contact in Queensland. Glen Cook will discuss how Energy Queensland’s Community Safety Team is working with ‘at risk” industries to reduce these contacts. Energy Queensland’s Community safety team have developed a powerline safety tool lookupandlive.com.au that Cookie will also explain how this con help reduce accidental contacts with powerlines.
Jason has been in the construction industry and electrical industry for over 25 years, with 18 of them working in the Electrical distribution industry for Ergon Energy.
Jason is very passionate about promoting electrical safety in the community as he has seen first-hand the devastation that accidental contact with powerlines can do to victims their work mates, families and communities.